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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Moki the Black Lab >> Moki Puppy Pictures >> Moki the Puppy Summer > pbase Sneak attack diverted Moki and Java week 3 Day 15 DSC_6280.jpg
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pbase Sneak attack diverted Moki and Java week 3 Day 15 DSC_6280.jpg

Week 3

Finally, Java and Moki are starting to run together after the same toy in the back yard and tear up the house together.
In this pictures, he was trying to do a sneak attack on Java. It was skill fully diverted.

Moki is being taught not to bite. Java let him know that his teeth hurt. For the record, Mollie let
Java get away with this. Moki is quite the determined little guy - he just really wants to play, but he definitely know what he wants.

Nikon D300
1/400s f/4.5 at 50.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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optimist18-Jun-2008 20:17
Wow, these must be exciting parenting times for you, Joan. Thanks for sharing photos of the rearing/bonding going on between your two companions. It's fun to see!
Guest 17-Jun-2008 11:51
yeah! time off for you. Love the ears in mid flight. Love the blue shimmer of Moki's coat in some of the pics. You found a new piglet!
Bryan Murahashi17-Jun-2008 04:33
Looks like Java is keeping his eyes open for this cute little rascal. V
Herb 17-Jun-2008 03:50
Cute image
snootydog17-Jun-2008 03:27
I miss these days. Nicely captured, Joan
Guest 16-Jun-2008 23:20
It looks like Java is saying, "Go ahead, make my day" Gosh, what a beautiful pair.
laine8216-Jun-2008 23:18
"Just you try it look," is all over Java's face :>)