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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> Moki the Black Lab >> Moki Puppy Pictures >> Moki the Puppy Summer > pbase Going around in circles Day 5 Moki DSC_5532.jpg
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pbase Going around in circles Day 5 Moki DSC_5532.jpg

Moki after running at Mach 5 around the room in circles!

On day # 5, he is starting to settle in - he got that funny puppy run, boundless energy that all of sudden dies,
and he is beginning to bond with Java.

Other participating in the transglobal challenge are found in this forum:

Nikon D300
1/200s f/2.8 at 17.0mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dave Hein08-Jun-2008 05:54
He'll have you in circles soon! :)
Peg O'Brien07-Jun-2008 17:33
Cute little guy!
laine8205-Jun-2008 22:47 the second one.
beverley harrison05-Jun-2008 22:22
ohhh what a cutie...hope to see more of this little darling!!
Mairéad05-Jun-2008 20:57
Jackdad05-Jun-2008 20:22
ah, glad to see things are going better and he's starting to settle in. :-)
Cindi Smith05-Jun-2008 20:15
Is he cute or what??? Just wanna scoop him up!!!
Guest 05-Jun-2008 18:42
What a cute shot! His beautiful eyes could be the circles too! I see in the other picture that Moki is missing a stuffed pig :)
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography05-Jun-2008 18:32
beautiful eyes
Karen Stuebing05-Jun-2008 18:11
What a cutie. He's such a baby. Great photo for the challenge. They do run in circles. LOL.
mathilda williams05-Jun-2008 17:45
adorable little face, and a sweet photo.
Guest 05-Jun-2008 17:30
bonding with java might make 'em even more hyper : )
Johnny JAG05-Jun-2008 16:18
Beautiful pup.
Laryl05-Jun-2008 16:09
puppies are so adorable.. and so 'non-stop' !
Jola Dziubinska05-Jun-2008 15:49
Cute pet :)
royalld05-Jun-2008 15:47
Priceless portrait.
Faye White05-Jun-2008 15:40
cute, cute, cute!!!
Guest 05-Jun-2008 15:15
Cute shot! Look at those big round eyes!
Bryan Murahashi05-Jun-2008 14:45
Very cute shot.
Dan Chusid05-Jun-2008 14:12
Keep the puppy pad handy!
Herb 05-Jun-2008 13:35