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pbase An 8 fish breakfast 3 November 17 DSC_1046.jpg

pbase An 8 fish breakfast 3 November 17 DSC_1046.jpg

Watched this majestic bird eat 8 fish - he/she was quite adept at catching fish.

Shot - Poppasquash Point, Bristol, RI

Nikon D80
1/640s f/5.6 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jean-Claude Billonneau13-Jun-2023 18:48
Magnifique avec ce contraste de lumières. V
Liz Bickel09-Feb-2015 04:45
I love everything about this.
Ashley Hockenberry16-Nov-2013 22:00
Superb !
scott stroh20-Apr-2013 19:50
Very nice.V
Tom Munson22-Dec-2012 15:58
Great light and perfect timing on this wonderful image!
Ann Pettigrew27-Jun-2012 11:52
Lovely lighting on your great blue heron! Very nice reflection as well. They are amazing hunters, aren't they?!?
Jerry Mercier14-Apr-2012 20:38
Very nice!! V
Blandine Mangin14-Dec-2009 20:53
very beautiful capture ! v
cits_4_pets24-Jun-2009 04:19
WOW! Great catch on both your parts, love the lighting, details, comp. The reflection is fabulous...Excellent shot!!! v
Guest 16-Feb-2009 15:20
sschex26-Jan-2009 00:26
Great action! I never seem to catch them catching anything.
Scott Schmitt29-Aug-2008 13:16
Really great shot! Nicely done.
Lise De Serres08-Aug-2008 00:40
Gorgeous light and great timing in this action shot! Well done!
william mahan19-Jul-2008 18:26

Awesome! You should have more comments on this!
poetry66609-Jun-2008 22:56
Terrific composition and reflections...BV!!
J. Scott Coile23-Jan-2008 19:26
Stunning capture!
Johnny JAG22-Jan-2008 20:02
Gorgeous light and reflection, great shot.
Cindi Smith21-Jan-2008 00:35
This is spectacular! Excellent catch for him and you! Wow! Vote!
mojoflowerchick20-Jan-2008 20:44
the detail, color and reflections on this is AWEsome.. i love it..
Karen Stuebing26-Nov-2007 12:28
Gorgeous light and detail. This is a stunning photo. V.