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Labrador sunrise August 27 2005 p.jpg

Labrador sunrise August 27 2005 p.jpg

Gorgeous sunrise at second beach near Newport, RI.
Java had a blast at the beach including playing
with other dogs!


August 27 2005

Nikon D70
1/400s f/10.0 at 22.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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PAPA JUZI24-Jun-2007 03:51
Wonderful lab, wonderful sunset,wonderful capture.
Yiannis Pavlis29-Mar-2007 13:27
beautiful color and details
Greg Harp30-Aug-2006 18:56
Superb. GMV
ewa toll27-Aug-2006 18:30
QUERIDO27-Aug-2006 06:04
very nice image, GMV
Guest 21-Apr-2006 14:54
the big image should be a lovely.
Lorena Pugh 17-Mar-2006 20:48
This is too funny, I'm a dog artists looking for a special pose I have in a painting that's just not working right now, so I go to Google and see your image and since my painting is of a dog on a beach I click on your photo and right away I recognize 2nd beach, it's the back drop to my painting! Your photos are nice, but I'm still looking for the right pose.
Guest 25-Feb-2006 21:25
Very special. I like the tail in the air. I like to think of that lead going off to a little anchor.
Guest 27-Dec-2005 23:44
WoW!!! this pic just took my breath away!!! awesome!!!
Jim Ross24-Nov-2005 19:58
What a great doggie pic.
Guest 18-Sep-2005 00:08
Nice shots very well done
Guest 29-Aug-2005 06:06
This is a well deserved vote
Guest 28-Aug-2005 23:26
Beautiful ... he is having such a good time! :)
Manfred Bachmann28-Aug-2005 20:20
Jackdad28-Aug-2005 15:46
beautiful light, Java is such a lucky dog.
that trailing lead looks nice and wet too! ;-)
Sheila28-Aug-2005 12:42
Beautiful sunrise, the dog really seems to be appreciating it too :-)
steve mcsweeny28-Aug-2005 09:51
Just awesome! Beautiful shot.Vote.
Tor28-Aug-2005 06:36
Thank you for these photos! We have to go to the beach today. Beautiful pictures of a beautiful Lab.
Marek Kacprzak28-Aug-2005 02:50
it's good to be a dog;)

great captures
northstar3727-Aug-2005 21:18
OOoOoh lovverly.
Mindy McNaugher27-Aug-2005 20:51
Fantastic shot!! Love silhouetted Java in the ocean with that incredible sunrise! Brilliant colors and comp!
Rosi Blaurock27-Aug-2005 19:40
Great shot.
Guest 27-Aug-2005 16:55
Fabulous shot. It really captures Java's personality, "Hmm, should I go say 'hi' to that gull? Maybe if I stay put it'll come to me..."
Al Varland27-Aug-2005 15:56
One of, if not, your best...Congratulations!
Sharon Rogers27-Aug-2005 15:31
Thta's fabulous! Look great when viewed in Original too. Love the way you caught him looking at the gull.