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joanteno | all galleries >> My Favorites >> Best of 2011 - Calendar 2012 Gallery > pbase Meet Iggy November 26 2010 1 of 1.jpg
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pbase Meet Iggy November 26 2010 1 of 1.jpg

Meet Iggy..

Rounding in the hospice IPU - a visitor

Leica X1
1/50s f/2.8 at 24.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 30-Nov-2010 23:50
That's a cool cat!
Is it a Rex?
regi olbrechts26-Nov-2010 21:43
Superb shot of a remarquable, bit ET-like doggie ;-))
laine26-Nov-2010 21:21
Hi there Iggie...what beautiful blue eyes!!
Jackdad26-Nov-2010 19:44
I thought Oscar had joined Weight Watchers. ;-)
Seriously though, a wonderful cat photo, love the DOF.
And that little jersey, very cute.
dazkeyte26-Nov-2010 18:41
love it!!