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Jean-Pierre Scherrer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Ernest Groce 22-Apr-2012 06:27
You are a truely gifted person. Your photographs are all a work of art.

Thank You for sharing

Suzii 15-Feb-2012 23:55
Hi, I just bought the Nikon V1 camera and came across your photos on the Dpreview forum. You are able to take such amazing photos with your J1 and kit lenses that I feel really inspired to work hard with the camera and really learn to use aperture priority and shutter priority. I've bookmarked your j1 gallery on my computer and iPad so that I can refer back to it.
Rob Zijlstra 23-May-2011 18:56
Jean-Pierre, thanks for sharing these photos! As you know I love Switzerland and I'll be back this year again in St Niklaus ( on the road to Zermat). Your photographs gave me several ideas! Thanks again,
Rob Zijlstra
Alf ifrå Fjellfrsokvatn 09-Jan-2010 08:54
Dæven, dreamphotos. Dreaming of the south, from Northern Scandinavia. Alf ifrå Fjellfrsokvatn
Barbara Luke 03-Nov-2009 10:19
Hi there JP....I am a member of ""Swampys"" site, i don't take part much these days (lost a little bit of intrest in my photography) but i pop in now and again as the quality of the images displayed there are amazing... including yours....
I always look at your websites and just thought i would say how wonderful your photography is, you are a Migician with your cameras....wonderful work...
PS your panos are extra special...
Cristina 12-Jun-2009 15:10
Quoi dire de tes photos? Elles sont vraiment géniales!!
Katie White 22-Jan-2009 18:03
I just wanted to tell you that I think your photographs are so amazing!!!!
Cindy Kiple 01-Jul-2008 16:19
I'm the art director at InterVarsity Press in Westmont, Illinois, USA and I'm interested in using your wonderful photo of the pulpit in the church of Jean Calvin in Geneva for the cover of a series of books we're doing called "Reformation Commentary Series". If this is something that you are open to please contact me so we can discuss this further. Thank you so much. Your photos are wonderful!
Cindy Kiple
Linda 06-Jan-2008 05:50
Fabulous photographs! I was actually doing some on line genealogy research. My Great Great Grandfather was Hermann Scherrer from Rheinau. His parents were Scherrer- Neukom marriage.
Maybe we are cousins?
Guest 15-Sep-2007 17:04
This is a beautiful gallery Jean-Pierre
Guest 08-Mar-2007 09:17
Your photos have kept me glued to the computer screen for hours.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 14:44
Wonderfully magical.
Robyco08-Jan-2007 14:23
Just past by at your "frozen" gallerie. Really amazing and great you share this with us on Pbase. Saw some other nice things, but i will be back for that.
André Bessot28-Dec-2006 08:15
Je prends toujours autant de plaisir à voyager parmi vos images et j'en profite pour vous souhaiter une excellente année 2007.
Bien cordialement.
Guest 13-Oct-2006 15:38
Bonjour Jean-Pierre !

je suis partie de Genève voilà qq mois et j'utilise également pbase pour partager mes photos de Hong-Kong où je vis actuellement. Je viens de tomber par hasard sur vos photos et de découvrir la photo de notre vagabond du rond-point de Rive ! je n'ai pu que sourire !! et quel plaisir de revoir les images des voitures gelées de l'hiver passé !
bon vent !
sophie (
Guest 03-Jun-2006 10:01
Your photos are spectacular!
Fantastic gallery, thanks for sharing and keep up the excellent work.
Marcello 19-Mar-2006 13:27
I think you really describe my idea of photographer. I like all of your pics. As I'm looking at them, it seems I can live those very moments.

You're gifted and a source of inspiration. Thanks for sharing your work with us.

Bart 11-Mar-2006 15:54
Your pictures of Carouge brought back may fond memories of my visit there in November, 2004. You are a wonderful photographer.
Geoff B 24-Feb-2006 16:55
You have some wonderful pictures here - I am instantly jealous! And also encouraged to go out and experiment further.
Thanks for sharing them - I just wish I had seen them sooner.
Geoff B
Amanda 01-Feb-2006 23:15
Jean-Pierre, Thank you for these wonderful photographs. You are truly talented! I lived in Founex, Vaud for 2 years; you photos brough back tons of memories. Picnicing on Lac de Joux, sailing on Lac Leman (Lake Geneva for you Americans) and strolling the streets of the vieux ville even the ice storm of 2001!
Merci beaucoup!
Jean-Pierre Scherrer25-Jan-2006 08:19
I beleive i allready wrote enough that IT IS Geneva, Switzerland lake... now, concerning the cars parked in the "opposite side", WTF you're talking about ? Get out of the USA, travel, and you'll learn that in Europe, ONLY Great-Britain drives on the LEFT side of the road...
Sam Bond 24-Jan-2006 17:28
I don't think that this is Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. The cars are European, (I know, I am a car buff), we don't even get that red van here in the US that is pictured. Furthermore, the cars parked on the opposite side of the street, (away from the lake), are facing the wrong direction, (if indeed it is the US).
barbara niemi 20-Jan-2006 01:47
Thank you for taking the time to load the photos so we can see again the beauty you see all around you. Observing is my favorite pastime and I see it is yours as well.
LuluSwenz 19-Dec-2005 19:50
J-P I thouroughly enjoyed your ice storm photo's. Hopefully, no one got hurt. From someone living in Honolulu, but originally from the Great Lakes area in Ohio, your photo's were a reminder of what nature is capable of. Thanks for sharing!
Jean-Pierre Scherrer17-Dec-2005 11:07
Hi Ellie ! Of course this is the ORIGINAL Lake Geneva, Switzerland ! I guess it existed centuries before someone picked that name and gave it to a place in the USA, LOL !!!
Just have a look at my "profile" or check the other images in my galleries, you'll see that i was BORN in Geneva, Switzerland, and still live there !
Ellie 16-Dec-2005 18:49
Can anybody clarify that this is Lake Geneva Switzerland? I have a friend from Wisconsin that believes this is Lake Geneva Wisconsin.
Michelle 16-Dec-2005 02:17
Hey! I'm just a kid but those pictures were awesome! you couldn't have done better! Hope all the people it affected are safe and warm!
anyanwu linus 17-Sep-2005 12:04
very helpful to everybody
André Bessot28-Jul-2005 18:04
Vous venez de compléter l'album des mes photographes préférés de PBase. Votre travail en macrophotographie est tout simplement remarquable. Bravo et merci pour la beauté du voyage.
Guest 07-Jun-2005 06:01
Several months ago I received a Powerpoint presentation with your pictures of "January 2005 Ice Storm in Geneva" gallery. And now, I've discovered the artist, after I register to this wonderful webpage. Congratulacion for these amazing pictures. If you have time, I will appreciate your opinion about my pictutures.
Guest 12-Apr-2005 10:01
Jean-Pierre, your ice pictures are fantastic.
I work for a TV Production company and we are very interested in talking to you about the possibilties of using a couple of your shots.
Could you email me so we could discuss this further? (
Many thanks
Bill Gibson 23-Mar-2005 16:14
The ice storm pictures belong on the Weather Channel's "Storm Stories."
Absloutely stunning!
Sam X18-Mar-2005 15:20

Nasty storm You had this year, but pictures are beautiful so it was worth suffering. I have a similar picture from 1995 Chicago storm.

Thanks For sharing Your work.
Peter Chou08-Feb-2005 15:26
Simply love your winter photos! For someone living in the tropics, the photos are a pleasant reminder of my trip to Harbin! Do take look at my gallery and I appreciate your advice and comments.
Guest 08-Feb-2005 12:00
Hi Jean-Pierre!

You got amazing pictures! I like all of it!

Do you intend to sell your pictures via royalty-free photobanks like this one?

Jean-Pierre Scherrer08-Feb-2005 09:35
Woaw ! thanks Noam ! -almost- made me blush !
...the fact is that the Coolpix(es), although not beiing in the "pro" range, are good enough to allow great pics !
Noam 08-Feb-2005 07:14
I'm amazed by the photos! you are really gifted!
even those taken with the Nikon which is not pro. camera ara stunning! I did not know that such results could be gained with such D camera!
Noam from Israel