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joanteno | all galleries >> Java, Moki, and Cino! >> gabi_the_lab > pbase December 29 DSC_2613.jpg
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pbase December 29 DSC_2613.jpg

They sleep, I work..
Dreary, rain
Thus, work on an outline for a manuscript

Nikon D300
1/40s f/5.0 at 26.0mm iso1000 hide exif
Full EXIF Info
Date/Time29-Dec-2007 10:10:42
ModelNIKON D300
Flash UsedNo
Focal Length26 mm
Exposure Time1/40 sec
ISO Equivalent1000
Exposure Bias-0.33
White Balance
Metering Modematrix (5)
JPEG Quality
Exposure Programprogram (2)
Focus Distance

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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optimist31-Dec-2007 08:32
Dogs have the answers, (some of them, anyway).
Karen Stuebing30-Dec-2007 13:33
It's a dog's life. :) Now, this is what I would like to be doing on these dreary winte days. Cute photo.
Shimon Levkovich30-Dec-2007 07:12
Sam Stevenson30-Dec-2007 00:42
Coleen Perilloux Landry29-Dec-2007 20:16
They know how to live!
Katie Chew29-Dec-2007 19:21
Cute shot!
Jackdad29-Dec-2007 18:53
Java will be OK until Gabi starts dreaming. Then those paws will twitch LOL
Pic Chick29-Dec-2007 18:13
This is one of the sweetest pictures EVER! I love how she has her back legs crossed - such a lady! And Java is just content to share the couch :) AWESOME shot Joan.
Linda Alstead29-Dec-2007 17:23
gorgeous - they look so contented
royalld29-Dec-2007 16:22
Manuscript? A novel?
Máire Uí Mhaicín29-Dec-2007 16:17
Happy dogs!
Johnny JAG29-Dec-2007 15:54
Too cute!